
Friday, June 22, 2012

Technical and Artistic reflection: Website Portfolio

The purpose of my website is to show the audience my portfolio. My Portfolio is displaying what I feel is my strongest pieces. The program I used to create this website was Wix. I personally found the site very interesting in the beginning with all the customizing we were able to do but near the end I found Wix very annoying to work with. For example I wanted to show my Kinetic Typography on the site. The problem we had was the site would only allow us to up load flash action script 3.0 and my typography was in action script 2.0. This was very frustrating because a lot of time was spent trying to add the play/pause to the typography and making it able to be viewed on the web.

The pieces I have Included in visual art were, my chess piece drawing, my skull drawing, my prints, and my Chinese ink drawings. I feel all of these pieces show my abilities in different mediums. In the technology section I have included my pixel portrait, my bezier assignment, self portrait, Shazam T-shirt design, some photography and my public service announcement. Again each of the pieces show different areas of the technology portion of class and I think they show my strong ability using the different programs.

Although I had many problems with using Wix I am happy with how the website turned out. I was looking at other portfolios when I saw a artist had taken photographs of himself and made them large scale and used them on the site. He was seen doing different poses. For example in his biography section he had a speech bubble coming out of his mouth. I found this very engaging and made me want to see what else was on the website. I took this same approach and throughout I have added similar photos. I added the photos because I really wanted the portfolio to reflect me and my happy personality.

I was able to customize a lot of the site and I'm happy with the layout I have created. I feel the layout is not to cluttered and I have included enough pieces that the site doesn't feel like it's empty. One challenge I had was putting the large scale images of me on the site because although I went in to Photoshop and changed the background to a transparency, the image would still show up on the site with a grey background. I was about to completely stop that idea when I started to play around with the frames and I found I was able to have a transparent background. One other challenge I had was uploading my typography, Initially the typography was in action script 2.0 and Wix would only allow action script 3.0. Although I wasn't able to upload it at all I still tried to trouble shoot and fix the problem. I felt this showed my ability to try trouble shooting even though the outcome may not be successful.

Overall I am very happy with my website portfolio  and I hope you enjoy it too. Below I have included a link to the site.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Forced Perspective Photography

This is a technique I found  that makes object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. You find it mostly in photography, films and architecture. It changes your perception using the objects and how they are placed in front of the camera. I found this really interesting because it looks like the objects are actually part of the photo and it seems almost natural. In the one photograph below the flower looks like the ballerina's skirt. In the second photograph the girl running up the stairs looks so natural and realistic. Below I have posted the link to a website that can further explain this concept and has links to more photographs using forced perspective.

Magical Rainbow Adventure

Hey everyone, Here is a tutorial I found that takes you on a magical rainbow adventure. But actually this is a cool tutorial on created melted crayon art. The process is actually quite simple but the result is amazing. You have to gather crayons of different colors and schemes, depending on what you want to create. In the video they are using the colors of the rainbow but it's up to you and what you want to create. Next you glue the crayons on a board, canvas or whatever surface you are going to be using. Now you can just have the crayons by themselves or you can put images on the surface but you have to remember they have to be raised from the surface because if not, the melted crayon will run over top the image. I recommend to put the image on a piece of cardboard. Lastly you grab a hairdryer and melt the crayons. You can get some creative and interesting results as seen below.
What I liked about this tutorial was it was informative with all the steps you had to take and the person teaching you the steps, made the video engaging to watch.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Epic Sidewalk Art

By Nick Canon
 I was stumbling through the web when I found this epic sidewalk chalk artist who went around and did these amazing chalk drawings on the sidewalk. Each one that he did is very different yet both give the same 3D effect and make you believe the object is there or in the case of the photo above that the block of the sidewalk is actually missing. What I find most mind boggling about these drawings was how realistic they look in relation to everything else in the setting. The drawings fit into the surroundings well enough that they are almost part of the scenery itself. The artist was able to really grasp the 3D concept. Below I have posted the link to Nick Canons' website, where he has posted many photographs of his amazing sidewalk chalk art.

Culminating Presentations

My portfolio presentation

Hey everyone, This is going to be one of my last posts for my second year in CyberARTS. Last week we had our culminating presentations which consisted of us gathering at least 7 pieces of our best visual and technology art and displaying them. We had to find a creative and effective way to clearly display the pieces and had to formally present and talk about each piece of art. I would have to say my favorite piece out of this year would be my Chinese ink panda painting, 'Contemplating Tradition'. I really worked hard on this piece and I felt it challenged me.

Blog post: Inspiration

Hey everyone, this is a fun and creative art experiment I found that someone had tried. This person toke a bowl of gum balls and put it under splattered wet glass and this was the effect they got.I think the use of household objects to create this is creative and well thought out if can notice the camera and lighting equipment set up in the background. I thought this would be cool to share because it's creative and you could try it at home yourself. I actually think I will go home and try this myself.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Photoshop expiermenting

Here is one of my ink painting's that I did, I decided to play around with the effects in Photoshop and this is what found. I thought it was cool and encourage you to experiment with Photoshop yourself.