The purpose of my website is to show the audience my portfolio. My Portfolio is displaying what I feel is my strongest pieces. The program I used to create this website was Wix. I personally found the site very interesting in the beginning with all the customizing we were able to do but near the end I found Wix very annoying to work with. For example I wanted to show my Kinetic Typography on the site. The problem we had was the site would only allow us to up load flash action script 3.0 and my typography was in action script 2.0. This was very frustrating because a lot of time was spent trying to add the play/pause to the typography and making it able to be viewed on the web.
The pieces I have Included in visual art were, my chess piece drawing, my skull drawing, my prints, and my Chinese ink drawings. I feel all of these pieces show my abilities in different mediums. In the technology section I have included my pixel portrait, my bezier assignment, self portrait, Shazam T-shirt design, some photography and my public service announcement. Again each of the pieces show different areas of the technology portion of class and I think they show my strong ability using the different programs.
Although I had many problems with using Wix I am happy with how the website turned out. I was looking at other portfolios when I saw a artist had taken photographs of himself and made them large scale and used them on the site. He was seen doing different poses. For example in his biography section he had a speech bubble coming out of his mouth. I found this very engaging and made me want to see what else was on the website. I took this same approach and throughout I have added similar photos. I added the photos because I really wanted the portfolio to reflect me and my happy personality.
I was able to customize a lot of the site and I'm happy with the layout I have created. I feel the layout is not to cluttered and I have included enough pieces that the site doesn't feel like it's empty. One challenge I had was putting the large scale images of me on the site because although I went in to Photoshop and changed the background to a transparency, the image would still show up on the site with a grey background. I was about to completely stop that idea when I started to play around with the frames and I found I was able to have a transparent background. One other challenge I had was uploading my typography, Initially the typography was in action script 2.0 and Wix would only allow action script 3.0. Although I wasn't able to upload it at all I still tried to trouble shoot and fix the problem. I felt this showed my ability to try trouble shooting even though the outcome may not be successful.
Overall I am very happy with my website portfolio and I hope you enjoy it too. Below I have included a link to the site.